As districts and schools try to find the best way to implement Common Core State Standards in the classroom, early research shows that they are better off when teachers hold the reigns.
Researchers at Center for American Progress have begun the process of assessing schools that give "teachers formal leadership roles in the transition to the new college and career standards. As detailed in a new report, these school districts recognized from the start that teachers would be integral to the success of the common core standards, and treated teachers as true partners in implementation," according to US News.
They found that when school districts enabled teachers to control Common Core instruction from early on, it created trust between teachers and administrators, made it more likely for teachers to "buy-in" and support the instruction, and overall gave teachers confidence to implement the standards thanks to the engagement.
"Based on interviews with teacher leaders and district and union representatives, the report recommends that other districts follow the lead of these innovative districts in providing teacher leadership opportunities to enable Common Core success," the article said
Further, researchers advised for districts to be proactive even when not implementing new standards. The researchers recommend that districts allow time for teachers to collaborate on implementation throughout the school year and to invest into systems that promote teacher professional development so that teachers can be trained to their best.
"Though state leaders developed these standards, many have characterized the reform as 'top-down.' Our research reveals that regardless of how the standards came to be embraced, a 'bottom-up' approach to implementing them can yield significant dividends for students."
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